Action Items

Do you, yes You--smart person!--want to contribute to Holiday Hospice?

BETA READERS REQUESTED—Want to read Holiday Hospice for free (with a catch)?  The catch is you tell me what you think about the setting, plot, characters, pace, timing, etc. as you read the book.  I want to know what you liked, what you didn’t like, what parts were confusing or hard to understand & so on to incorporate the suggestions & constructive criticism into a better version of the book, the 2nd edition.

ERRORS—Did you read the book?  Did you notice a character’s age changed by 20 years or more three different times over six different chapters?  Or something much much worse, obvious or subtle?  Please let me know.  No obligation to sign on as a beta reader either.

CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM & SUGGESTIONS—Started reading Holiday Hospice but thought it was missing something?  The product you have in your hands was produced within a timeframe that I demanded of myself to avoid an otherwise inevitable “never finished always under revision indefinitely” state.  I am revising it presently regarding proven methods like beta readers & professional editing, however, maybe your idea totally-rocks!

PLANT A TREE—You will help yourself & the world too!

ARTWORK—Do you draw, color or paint?  Can you see a beautiful, ugly, scary, magnificent image of a Holiday Hospice character, scenario or event in your mind?  If you make that vision into a composition in a medium of some sort, I would love to see it.  Maybe your awesome picture could be added to the next edition of my book.  In that case, you would be credited or compensated for donating that particular piece of artwork.
